Sunday, February 7, 2010


Welcome to Love and Losing Faith.
This journey began as a search for answers from God, a painful process of crying out to blank walls and silence. The further I dug with questions about the basic tenets of my Christian faith, I began to find that everything I believed may not be as it seemed. For too long I was unable to look at my beliefs objectively, holding them so close they became a part of me, but now that I am finally ready to shake my foundations, I have found nothing to press against. Reading and researching aren't enough for me anymore; I want to debate with others who have considered these same questions. So, my purpose in this blog is to present my findings, ask questions I cannot answer, and listen closely to your thoughts. I am eager for discussion about the validity of the Bible, our purpose on earth and the inescapable need for humans to love and be loved.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so pleased to have stumbled upon your blog! I am looking forward to following your journey through this struggle. So many people are too lazy to ask the hard questions and to seek answers that are not only satisfying, but also true. I wish you many happy discoveries along the way!
